Cher-Mere brings out natural beauty….while preserving the environment..

Cher-Mere brings out natural beauty….while preserving the environment..


At Cher-Mère we recognize that taking care of ourselves also requires a responsibility to take care of our environment. The environment of our body and the environment of the earth. Cher-Mère takes this seriously, making products that are natural and organic through sustainable processing and recyclable packages. This is also mirrored worldwide in the Global Cosmetics Industry Newsletter, which indicated that “about 74% of beauty and personal care consumers in Spain are concerned that ingredients used in natural products are not sustainable, while 24% of consumers in India are motivated to live a more natural lifestyle to support environmentally conscious businesses.” 

Cher-Mere uses recyclable, eco-friendly packaging for all of its hair and skin products, including the top three plastics suitable for recycling worldwide.PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate); HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) and PP

(Polypropylene). At Cher-Mere, we are moving with you towards a greener self and earth, as all our products are natural, organic and eco-friendly.

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