When it comes to skin blemishes like birthmarks, freckles, moles and skin tags, most are harmless. Many imperfections are simply collections of normal cells that do not pose any danger to you at all. But leaving them alone may have other consequences you should consider.
At Cher-Mere, we offer consultation and removal of moles and skin tags at three of our four spas (Mid-Centre Mall, Chaguanas; Cipriani Boulevard; Trincity Mall).
As your skin ages, the collagen loses its elasticity. This means that irritation and bleeding can occur from skin imperfections that are typically rubbed by clothing or jewelry, especially around the neck, bra lines and waistband areas.
Having the marks removed by Cher-Mere's trained estheticians, while your skin is still young, will help you avoid potential issues in the future.
Since moles and skin tags are usually much darker than the surrounding skin, they tend to become sunburned quicker than the skin. Wearing sunscreen with a high SPF like Cher-Mere's anti-aging day moisturizer SPF 30 on your face can help, by providing extra protection from the sun.
Deciding to treat moles and skin tags is a personal decision with many aspects to consider.
If you'd like a professional opinion of your case of have questions about available treatments, log on to www.chermerecaribbean.com or call 285-9053 to schedule an appointment for a consultation at any of the three Cher-Mere day spas listed above. We also have a kiosk at Long Circular Mall. We will be happy to address any questions or concerns, in order to provide you with the best service, based on your needs.